WP-I is the valorization WP. It integrates the valorization strategies for the use-cases of WPs 1-4 of INTENSE of section 2 with the strategies for the overarching methodologies of WP A-D in an overall valorization plan. There are user committees for every scientific WP: 1-4 and A-D. The user committees consist of the scientists in the WPs, representatives of all companies that contribute to the WP and the relevant patient organizations. The user committees are therefore in the best position to evaluate which scientific results are ripe for translation and to assess commercial potential. They will also be able to identify factors that need to be addressed before the technology is ready. WP-I will integrate the outcomes in an overarching valorization plan, while respecting IP-boundaries between companies. We will dedicate significant resources to promote the utilization of the outputs of our project. Our strategy has 5 components: (1) Develop a valorization plan for the project’s outcomes; (2) Promote the training of a new generation of entrepreneurs, who are able to develop neurotechnology and oversee the technical, psychological and societal considerations; (3) Promote the development of spin-off companies; (4) Implement regulatory, ethical and quality control mechanisms to conduct first-in-human studies; (5) Develop and implement an outreach strategy to communicate the project’s aims and results.