Artificial intelligence (AI) has made huge leaps forward, allowing breakthroughs in object recognition, language processing, and even autonomous driving. With AI, a computer learns on its own from data, and develops an “answer” that can be used autonomously by a mechanical or electrical device. Here we use AI to improve the performance of brain-reading and brain-writing, enabling the automatic sensing of a signal in the outside world, or from a brain recording, that can then be directly fed to a neurostimulator for disorders of vision, movement, hearing, communication, and for the prevention of debilitating seizures. Our team is making use of the latest AI techniques in neural network and probabilistic inference developed by experts at the Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen and the national Innovation Centre for Artificial Intelligence towards optimal signal detection, useful for the neurostimulation applications required rapid, and adaptive, brain-reading and brain-writing applications.